Credit Suisse, in the survey, was expected to be the second highest paying investment bank in the world after Goldman at an average pay of$ 280,000. 报告预计瑞信(CreditSuisse)是紧随高盛之后、全球薪酬第二高的投资银行,平均薪酬达到了280000美元。
Are you still paying a monthly fee even though your bank now offers free checking? 即使现在的银行提供免费存储业务,你是否每月还在继续为你的户头付费呢?
Not her relatives, her neighbors, or government officials, who kept paying her welfare benefits into a bank account that sat untouched. 亲人、邻居、政府官员对此事均不知晓,她的银行账户里定期还会收到各种社会福利。
Hundreds of people cashed in after an ATM machine began paying out double-and a bank said they can keep the unexpected windfall. 英国某地一台ATM机发生故障,在顾客取款时会吐出双倍数额的现金,有数百名顾客趁机取款,但银行表示大家可以留下这份飞来横财。
This means that after paying interest on bank reserves, Fed profits, which are remitted to the US Treasury, would still exceed profit levels that prevailed before the financial crisis. 也就是说,美联储在向银行支付准备金利息后剩下的利润仍将超过金融危机前的一般水平。美联储的利润上缴至美国财政部。
The paying bank is in london, isn't it, sir? 先生,付款行在伦敦,不是吗?
This is financed by paying Chinese households low or negative inflation-adjusted returns on their voluminous bank deposits. 但这种融资的代价是,中国家庭部门庞大的银行存款所得到的回报率在剔除通胀因素后非常之低,甚至为负数。
Though this is not strictly part of the fee RBS is paying, it is capital that the bank needs so that it can afford the "first-loss" portion of the insurance scheme. 尽管严格来说,这不是苏格兰皇家银行所支付出费用的一部分,但这是该行所需要的资金,以便能够承担保险计划中“最初亏损”的部分。
Ultimately, this was an enormous fraud on taxpayers who ended up paying billions for Bank of America's misdeeds. 归根结底,这是对纳税人的严重欺诈行为,纳税人最终为美国银行的不法行为支付了巨额资金。
But instead of paying fees for bounced checks, you pay fees for the bank to cover your overdrafts. 但不是空头支票支付费用,你付银行支付费用贵透支。
"I/ We enclose herewith the under mentioned Bill for Collection: Please ask the paying Bank to inform you upon receipt of the collection by cable/ mail at my/ our expenses, if any." 兹附上下列票据:,请告付款行,收妥后电/信告你行,费用由我/我们负担
This evidence is a signed statement from whoever is paying for it, and confirmation from a bank or lawyer. 这个证据要由支付这些花销的人的签字证明,同时必须由银行或者律师证实。
After selling all its assets and paying its depositors, the bank was still half a million dollars in the hole. 银行在出售了它全部资产、支付了存款者之后,仍然负债五十万美元。
The procedure to getting it down to me and how am I paying for it through the Bank or Bank draft and which of the Bank? 请告诉我整个过程,我怎样通过应行付款,或者应行汇票?哪家银行?
"A lot of the money goes to paying back the bank loan for the turbines," he says, but the rest is used to invest in more clean energy on the island. “很多钱都用来偿还购买风轮机的银行贷款,”他说,但剩下的钱则投资到岛上更清洁的能源。
Clients can seek whether the order has been confirmed to be valid by the online paying in the web page of the Merchants Bank at any time. 客户可随时通过招商银行网页“网上支付”专栏查询订单是否已被确认有效。
Every check ( note) sent to the clearing house has a receiving bank and a paying bank. 送到交换所进行交换的每张支票(据)有收款行和付款行。
I tolerated lousy interest rates for 20 years or so before finally paying the switching cost and finding a better bank. 我忍受了大约20年低得令人作呕的利率,直到最后支付了转换成本,找到了一家更好的银行。
The issuing bank which is now called the paying bank remits the money to the notifying bank. 开证行,此时被称为付款行,把货款汇给通知行。
As is paying cheques into the right bank account for customers. 将顾客的支票打入正确的账户,也也是有意义的。
Back when they told you what your house would cost, nobody mentioned what you'd also be paying so that nature wouldn't repossess it long before the bank. 别人告诉你,你修这房子得花上多少钱,但没人会和你说,你还得付出些什么才能防止大自然再次占有你的房屋,它的速度可比银行快多了。
Pursuing the joint venture management to change its original structure with the aim of evading paying bank debts. 推行合资改制,逃避银行债权;
On the Availability of Subrogation of the Paying Bank in the Letter of Credit Context 论信用证付款银行的代位权
System Paying out Wages Based on Network Linking Bank and Department of Finance 基于财银联网的工资发放系统
Tax paying online can be done through the Intranet, or Internet technology. By connecting the tax collecting management system, tax paying and declaration system as well as paying computer system with bank computer system of the DSF, each aspect of network operation can be facilitated. 网上报税系统采用内联网、外联网或互联网技术,将澳门特别行政区财政局内部的税收管理服务系统、纳税申报征收系统与纳税人计算机系统、银行计算机系统等直接相连,实现各项业务的网上操作。
Based on the realities of Gansu Province, the paper attempts a study of difficulties of the under developed areas of China in paying the World Bank loan. 本文以甘肃省为例,对我国欠发达地区利用世行贷款所出现的偿债困难的问题进行了研究。
Apply Internetworking to Collecting and Paying Service in Bank Business 异网互连技术在银行代收代付业务中的应用
The fifth chapter is the focal point of this study. We strengthen its incentive function by adjusting the way of paying and distribution to optimize the Supplementary Pension Proposal of HX bank. 第五章是本研究的重点,通过对现行年金缴费方式和支付方式的调整,对HX银行企业年金计划进行了优化设计,使新计划更富有活力和激励功能。